Tea Recipes

Thinly sliced shrimp marinated in green tea

Mini Quiche Lorraines

Chocolate Strawberries


Green Tea Shortbread Wedges

Chai Crescents

Tea Scented Biscotti

Buttercream Frosting

Chocolate Buttons Cookies

Are you worried about using too much butter? We use part unsalted butter and part olive oil.  Butter is definitely better than margarine and these cookies are worth the richer tasting ingredients.

Neat serving ideas for your tea parties

Here's an excellent idea we recently received from a friend:

"make some sandwiches, cut them into different little shapes (some round, some rectangular, some stars) and place them on platter with some brightly coloured flowers, grapes and small cheese cubes."

If you have a neat serving idea or a favourite tea-time recipe please let us know using the Contact Us page.